Partner With Northgate Academy
Partner With Northgate Academy
Over 100 Accredited Online High School Courses Available
Partnership Opportunities
Are you a high school counselor, principal church-group, or homeschool organization looking for options to help your students’ complete courses to meet graduation requirements? Northgate partners with schools, churches, and organizations all over the world to offer affordable, high quality online high school programs. We work with schools, colleges, residential recovery treatment centers, such as Teen Challenge, churches and homeschool groups to help students stay on track with high school graduation.
Statistics show that every year over one million high school students take an early departure from high school. This translates to a staggering 7,000 students that step away from their education every single day. Many find themselves without a clear avenue to reintegrate into high school or transition to college. Without the right guidance and chances, many of these students might never achieve their post-high school aspirations.
Northgate Academy can help!
Interested in Partnering with Us?
Perhaps you are an employer and you need to help your employees meet high school graduation requirements? Maybe your organization offers tuition assistance for your workers? Northgate Academy can help to educate your workforce.
Do you operate an International school? Are you in need an American, Christian-based high school diploma for your students? We can provide the curriculum and support to prepare your students for admissions to an American college or university.
Earning a high school diploma can open many doors. If your organization is interested in partnering with Northgate Academy, please call us today at (763) 412-4700.
Minnesota State Accreditation
Northgate Academy is an accredited Minnesota non-public school and is part of the Excel Education Systems independent school system. Click here to view the school profile on the Minnesota Department of Education website. Our assigned DOE school ID# is 0284-31-023.
Cognia Accreditation
Northgate Academy is regionally accredited by Cognia, the parent organization of the North Central Association CASI, the Southern Association of Colleges and School CASI, and the Northwest Accrediting Commission. Click here to view the school’s accreditation profile. Northgate Academy’s accreditation is recognized by the State and US Department of Education and is recognized by all colleges, universities, employers, and the US Military.
Middle States Association Accreditation
Northgate Academy is accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools, which is the gold standard for regional and national accreditation. See the Northgate Academy profile at MSA-CESS for more information concerning accreditation.
The Commissions on Elementary and Secondary Schools of the Middle States Association accredit early-childhood through post-secondary, non-degree granting public, private, faith-based educational institutions including special purpose schools, and learning services providers.
MSA Commission on Secondary Schools is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education as a gatekeeper for eligibility for Title IV funding for postsecondary, non-degree-granting institutions and distance education throughout the United States.